Saturday, April 15, 2006

Theorem: Procrastination will lead to determination

Desperate as ever, I took out my post-its (which I've never touched before for the past 5 months or so), and wrote out all my goals that I need to accomplish before the exams.

Then I took out my (favourite, and by this, I mean, something I don't want to use cuz it's really really nice) note book, and drew out the Summer Term calendar so that I could plan out my studying routine. Just hope I can (and obviously, will) study accordingly.

This time, I added some pictures to spice things up. Got the idea from you, PK. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. OMG sudden rush of entries!!! I promise next time i won't be that lazy anymore...will keep in touch with this fastest growing blog haha...

    my procrastination has yet to develope into determination haha i think i should draw an organised timetable like urs as well haha... life sucks :P
