Thursday, November 12, 2009

TNB... a company full of SH*T.

The people from TNB just dropped by.

I kinda got influenced by the following Youtube video I watched a few days ago, which was posted on my Facebook page then. Gave me a really bad impression of them since then. It's just my luck to see them come in my house today.

So... They said they needed to check out electric meter, to see whether it is working efficiently or not. I don't doubt that it is their duty. I would understand that if I were an electricity company CEO or Manager, I'd be concern at why the figures just don't seem right.

But it is absolutely WRONG to charge in our premises without letting us know beforehand, tell us that they need to check our meter, and have to change our meter due to inefficiency. OH, did I mention they let us see a LETTER 'written' by TNB themselves, stating that "there will be checks performed by our technicians during 1st Nov to 30th Nov".

Hey, you don't show that letter to us WHEN you come, but BEFORE you idiots (I'm trying to refrain from using the word BABI) come in and perform the checks ALREADY.

What a bunch of I-D-I-O-T-S.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Such is life.

Don't you just hate it when you get all the inspiration in one day to write a post, but when you get back, everything just disappears? Or because you're so exhausted from a day's work, and you just can't find time to write about it, and so whatever you wanted to write about just evaporates from your fried mind instantly?

Such is life.

Anyway. I was going to a far far far far place to have seafood for dinner. Throughout the journey, I had to be bored to death listening to alien Chinese songs on the radio which I definitely had no absolute control over. (Such is life.) Thinking about other things wasn't an option as well, as it will leave me stranded rock bottom again. So I decided to just start chatting over mobile text with a friend. And listening to those few grown ups talking about almost everything under the sun - and gossiping.

Nice and refreshing after a long ride on a boring highway

So, after dinner, it was time to walk along the 'shore' of the... delta? Had no idea which part of that town we were in. All I know I saw many ships, private jets, yachts, water, and land over the other side. (Very helpful.)

Like many other places in Malaysia, it just so happens that they decided to not switch on streetlamps yesterday night. So, I had to resort to using the largely unreliable flash on my phone camera. I zoomed in to take some nice lights in the distance on some water vehicles, and this is what I got:

Not bad for some unreliable camera phone, right?

Then, on the other end of the river (ah, maybe it IS a river), more nice lights were seen. Now, with my 'twilight landscape' mode on, I decided to play around with the lights. You know how slow the phone is when you switch that mode on right? I was trying to get LINES of light, but this is what I got:

In order of photo-taking. After so much movements, not much difference.

I gave up after that last shot.

Then, I took the picture of a pillar with the "shore's" initials, with my "reliable" flash:

This has ought to give away where I was.

The person who guessed where I was right, then he or she shall win... My deepest, heart-felt THANKS.

Such is life.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A new beginning, a new dawn

I woke up with my left foot on the wrong side of the bed. (Note: The only way to get out of my bed is my right side.)

But I overcame my problems, and I felt so much better after a while later. I'm am forever grateful for fate that I'm studying music in a little place called UCSI.

As I walked away from the my study building, I realised I tooked the wrong turn, and I was forced to take the uphill steep road back to my comfortable homely car (more like an economical route that I calculated in my head). Upon reaching the top, this was what I saw:

I never felt so alive. It was, yes, disappointing to be seeing things like that, and in your head, you'd be thinking like, "Why is our school situated next to a pile of rocks, and not beautiful green hills and lovely sunset skies?"

But my point is... At that moment, as I inhaled a breath of hilltop air, I felt so relieved. It felt as though it was a sunrise, instead of a sunset.

... Words simply just can't describe the feeling I had (or in other words, I'm having a slight vocab-block).

I want to start a new life. I want to be someone I used to be. Someone who was strong, focused, and alert. I want to free myself from all the miseries I've had, all the pain I've been inflicted on, and all the damn spams in my inbox... BEGONE!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The end of the beginning

It's the end of my first semester, and I have already tired myself out, immensely.

This was the feeling I've been looking for, since I came back. It felt as though I never felt tired, I never used up my full energy within, and haven't fully utilised my mind power at all.

Now that I've found it, thank goodness I'm still in one piece, considering all the things I've gone through lately, all the things that are happening around me, all the things that I have to think about - it's just tiring and exhausting.

(It's also funny how I can contradict myself in just one sentence. LOL.)

Now it's time for me to look for a job. Come on, two months of idleness? No thank you.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Piracy (of the DVD-sorts)

I was strolling down the Saturday night market near my house, and I saw something that amazed me...

Let's be honest. We, as Malaysians, are accustomed to see lots of pirated DVD stalls being set up in night markets, even though they are not supposed to be operating under the law. But all of us need to make a living, right? It's still business.

Back to my point: not only do they sell movies that are not even on screen in Malaysia; of course, there's the usual type where only MEN will browse through.

Yes, you got it. It's Pornography.

And it's usually the old uncles whom you'll see there, searching through every single title available, checking whether any of them would suit their taste.

It is refreshing to see a handsome, young lad today instead in one of the stalls.

COOL HUH???? Wouldn't know whether I should call it my lucky day. =P

Monday, October 12, 2009

In the realms of broken dreams and empty promises

Imagine yourself in a situation where you just know that everything that happened are lies, all which seemed so surreal at first, and you realised that everything you once knew and wanted, are all smashed into bits and pieces.

Dreams being popped by harsh words, fiendish actions, and cruel intentions: just feels the same.

Nothing else makes the heart bleed more than these.

Depressing, ain't it?

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I found myself awake in the middle of the street of a ghost town, naked, stripped down and bare.

I stood up, wondering where this place is...

I walked down, not caring anymore. Exposed.

I looked up the sky, feeling tiny drops of rain on my head and bare skin.

I fooled around with the raindrops on the palms of my hands, until the rain got heavier and drenched myself wet.

I stayed there, wondering when the rain will stop...

Friday, September 25, 2009

A day to remember

My dream has finally materialised...

To try out the (not so) newly opened dessert shop in Pavilion: MOF @ Japanese Sweets.

I know. But it's been a while since I wanted to try out that place, in addition to so many (fake) desserts out on display... So tempting!!

Not to forget, they're serving my favourite Japanese red beans... <3

(pictures uploading soon)

While driving back home,
I saw the moon
at a beautiful half crescent.

It reminded me of your smile,
and you were smiling at me

throughout my journey

Protecting, reassuring

Monday, September 21, 2009


I hate myself for thinking what I have never dreamt of thinking, nor even thought I would do.

Never have I imagined myself in this state of mind, and never have I wanted to be standing right here where I am standing right now.

I truly hate myself.

Where are you when I needed you the most?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

How it feels to be at home


I felt so freakin' bored at home today. Didn't go anywhere. I thought, "Why not just stay at home for the whole day today, since I've been going out the last few days? Rest at home, and recharge!"

Turned out to be really bad. Felt as tho I was being crushed under a huge pile of rocks.



And to be missing someone and not being able to see that person: just sucks - very badly.

It's like hitting rock bottom, falling into a bottomless pit, hit by a truck: all rolled up in one.

Friday, August 21, 2009

How it feels to be evaluated

It feels quite weird after 8 years of not going for music exams or anything of that sort.

Yes, it was my audition that gave me that same ol' feeling again. I remember sitting outside in a waiting room (or rather, a corridor with seats lined on the wall), holding my breath for that moment, the moment of truth, being evaluated of what you've learnt throughout the whole year of preparations. Then, you get into that thick and hard wooden door, and the first thing you see is either a stern-looking examiner with grey or white hair, or a young one who looks really friendly (but looks can be deceiving). After a few more steps forward, after you have greeted the examiner a good morning (or afternoon, for that matter), there, erected stiffly right in front of the examiner's desk: a black piano which decides your very fate of the day, whether good or bad.

Not to forget the bloody coldness of that examination venue that creates an unwanted atmosphere to add on to your long list of what-if's and why-not's. Especially if your hands are affected by the cold, your warmth suddenly freezes over hell, and your hands stop working like normal movable parts; that should be enough to knock you off your seat and bump your head on the floor, enough to bring you into a coma.

Seriously, I really can't see myself in this scenario ever again, especially when I've made it really clear that I didn't believe in anymore music exams... I'm certainly wrong this time. =.="

Anyway, it's been fun. Hope to entertain a small percentage of you's with my horrible short-story writing (if there even exists at least one faithful reader).

PS: It's been a while since I've been so descriptive. Apologies for any wrongly-used euphamism (if there exists ANY) and weird-sounding adjectives. =P

Sunday, August 16, 2009

When panicking leads to nowhere...

What happens if you worry too much, think too much, panick too much? ... just don't bother worrying/thinking/panicking anymore.

But I have to admit, it was heart-attack-inducing anymore. =)


When art fails to impress, I'm guessing the only way to a world of imagination filled with endless colourful possibilities: is a dead end.

So what I'm basically saying is: it's not the artist's fault. Everything done by the artist is open to interpretation. And you can't really blame the artist for being shallow/emotionless/boring. But there are exceptions when it's really not even interpretable. (Damn I'm mean.)

What I'm actually referring to are all aspects of art, ie, dance, fine art, sculpting, music, etc.

Recently, I've been attending a lot of these galleries and performances. (Yes, it has been a jam-packed schedule that even my friends hate me for not allocating some time to even talk to them on the phone.) Just yesterday, I went for a Butoh festival show titled "Butoh Noise".

Bunch of Butoh Dancers. Amazing, aren't they?

It was definitely an event that made me bleed in my ears and eyes. And I meant it in a good way.

G: "It was so horrible that I felt like standing up on my own two feet, grabbing my chair, and throwing it at the artist."
N: "Well, to me, it felt normal. I couldn't picture anything, but it was fine for me, since there wasn't any pitches above my tolerance level."

Very well said indeed. Summarised in just three sentences.

But I have to admit, the butoh dancer was extremely nimble. Bravo!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Blown to dust

Ever had the feeling that you've finally had something materialising in your hands, but suddenly a wind blew over, and that tangible object dematerialises into dust and slips through your fingers?

I'm tired of hoping.

I'm tired of frustration over myself.

I'm tired of waiting...

Nothing in this world is as perfect as you would want it to be. No matter how much you try, how much you press it down and hold it in form.

Someone. Please help me.


It baffles me that sometimes people tell you to strike while the iron's hot, and turns around and say, "Go with the flow, and take it slow."

Some may think these two statements are the same things, interrelated. To me, it's the same, but with totally different meanings.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Heart-attack-inducing experience

To cut a long story short, I now have a newfound respect for parents of teenagers on guiding their children through their journey on becoming well-mannered, civilised and humble adults.

Especially driving.

Heart-attack happens every so often

Thursday, August 06, 2009

To indulge, or not to indulge: THAT'S the question


Food Galore... Bask yourself in a variety of colourful food ('ll soon regret)

How many of you have even been to a buffet? I'm sure at least 90% of you have been to at least one buffet in you're lifetime.

BUT: How many of you would eat like it's nobody's business, not think about the ACTUAL capacity of your stomach, and eat until its finally worth the price you're paying for? Hands up if you're one of them.

*raises hand up slowly, centimetre by centimetre*

I tell you... NEVER go there on an empty stomach, and NEVER E-V-E-R think that if you stuff yourself like a you want to send yourself to the oven like a stuffed pigeon or turkey, you'd come out of the restaurant feeling proud of yourself.

This is exactly how I felt. (A pic which isn't as disgusting as the ones I found off the net. Eww..)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's the irony that's sad

SIX months... No, make that SEVEN months... of not using my brains, not doing anything productive, yet earning nuff money - just makes me a dull boy.

So I've decided be someone I've wanted to be all this while: a student! (yeah, as if.)

Welp, at least this time, I'll be doing something that I've always wanted to do. *insert idol-fan scream*

Guess what I've been wallowing myself in things I've never dreamed of doing when I'm all grown up in the corporate world for the past 7 months:
1. Facebook
2. MSN (though my place of whore-ship, I still can't let this go)
3. GCSE O' level / GCE A' level past year papers found off the internet
4. Language books that I was determined to finish, but never found time to
5. My music (can't live without them)
6. Sheet music site which a friend passed me, and grown addicted to to pass time.

Oh, and LOTS of luxuries that I had been dreaming of owning, which my measly salary (which I shall so forth call as my "allowance" or the more appropriate economic term, "wage") can't support:
1. iPhone
This fella needs no introduction

2. Digital SLR Camera

EOS 5D (high end SLR camera, not advisable for an amateur, such as me)

3. New clothes for the emperor (if it were nothing, I wouldn't have said it)

Just a pic to go with the item

SO, at the brink of being confirmed as a permanent staff, I've finally decided to set foot into the student (yet again), a world filled with uncertainties, opportunities, advancement... Uh... no wait.. that's not it.

Oh well, student life can't be that bad.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour

It's been a while since I blogged about something.

And it's almost time for us in Malaysia to switch off our lights to vote for Earth: the Earth Hour.

Initially I thought this idea was peculiar. I've heard about it few years ago, but this year, it has been implemented in Malaysia, and this time, I thought it was a really good idea. Well, since a few years ago, I've already supported against Global Warming by the i'm campaign on MSN. And now, to take action is just simply great.

So yes, I will Vote Earth. If you're reading this (and I'm quite sure it'll be over by the time you do read this), I hope you have already voted Earth.

Edit: Turns out our city actually took part in the campaign:

Pictures of the Petronas Twin Towers and Kuala Lumpur City. - Reuters, AP Photo
Pictures taken from Yahoo! News.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Chinese New Year's ... pink?

The Chinese (or formally, the Lunar) New Year is almost over, and I've got my share of ang-pows after 3 years of not getting any.

And I usher my first day of work with a pleasant set of diarrhetic trips to the toilet, with a feverish dish on the side. I managed to sleep 10 hours that night, and wake up just in time for work the next day. You do the math.

Pink bunny balloon held in my hands

I have a 2 year old cousin, who is sooo adorable that the whole of the family loves her sooo much that she became the family favourite. The sight of that makes me quite sick sometimes, to the stomach (no reference to my earlier experience intended at all).

They bought her this balloon (I'm guessing they found a vendor on the streets then with his fabulous display of rainbow-coloured balloons, either soaring up high, or stuck on a stick), and just a few hours after purchase, I realised something...


Isn't this the slightest suggestive? OK, maybe this is too much. To abolish these balloons is absurd. Look at the cute bunny face they drew on the balloon, the huge ears it has (ignoring what I just showed you), and... Such a popular choice among the kids! It's just harsh to take a balloon away from children, not to mention just only a child.

Children. Sure they are adorable little gifts sent by God. Sure they are cute things you see everywhere on the walkway in a shopping mall, so cute that you'd want to give them a huge sloppy kiss on their tiny little face, and give their puffy little cheeks a slight squeeze 'cause they are just TOO cute. But have given it a thought how it would be like to really raise these small devils sent from hell? I bet you didn't.

Enough about them. Sometimes it scares me to think I'd be having one (or even some) of them sometime along the way.


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Downs of the Crisis

A few days past the new year, and a few days left to the (Chinese) lunar new year; and yet, I am left not too much accomplished. Such a great way to start off the new year.

Speaking of which: I still haven't got my haircut yet, after getting it done the last time badly at a nearby saloon, by a junior hairstylist. That definitely explains it.

But anyway, I landed myself on a job, that isn't too satisfying on a personal level. Not too challenging, although requiring me to be really careful and precise on clerical work. Very boring indeed.

Yes, I look like that.

...Which is pushing me so hard to find a better job.

Luckily enough, it is better than doing nothing at the moment, at such a time to look for a job; better than being retrenched, or still having troubles finding a job. My course mate, who is working in a bank in UK tells me she may be cut off due to her lack of experience and qualifications. She'll just need to survive and perform well throughout this week to prove her worth.

Anyway, enough about the depression (no pun intended). What is your new year's resolution? I know I've already got a few ticked off my list. ;-)

Edit: Did I mention I spent the new year's at home? I know it isn't uncommon, but it's just sad...