Enough procrastination. I have to study seriously now. Get over my loss, and wake up.
Well, since I'm in a better mood to fill up the previous questionairre, I think I'll answer the questions in a proper manner.
My earliest memory... I have so many memories, but none of them are ever solid in my mind. As in, I can only remember parts of what happened.
At school I... used to be the studious one, and sometimes having fun with some of my close friends. I remember the times when we usually walk around school when we're free for a period (which lasts about 40 minutes), and chat about stuff, and maybe gossip. Haha!
My first relationship... Never had a first relationship. If you really want me to answer, then obviously it would be my parents!
I wish I had never worn... Worn what?
My mother and father always tell me... A lot of things. Usually, they come in forms of "nag" and "reprimand".
I wish I had... whatever I wished for. Haha! Materialistic, ain't I? Neh, just kidding. I'm not as materialistic as you think I am. I want things that can't be bought.
I wish I hadn't... done stupid things and decide unwisely. Not listing any out.
At home I cook... Do you wanna know what I cook here in UK? or just back home? They're, seriously, totally different things. Haha!
When I was a child, I wanted to... be famous. REALLY REALLY famous. Of course, in reality, you have to consider talent, fame, looks.....................
The book that changed my life is... erm, got none that really changed my life, though I really liked books that my friends introduced me, especially Memoirs of a Geisha (thanks Peng!)
If only I would... change everything bad that had ever happened to me. By now, I guess you'd have guess I like looking back and regretting. But don't you worry, I seldom do that.
Friends say that I am... as cheerful as an Easter bunny! They always say I laugh at anything. But I do! I mean, I have reasons for laughing, right? Just they don't know what I'm laughing about right? Haha!
What I don't find amusing is... anything not amusing? How am I supposed to answer this question?
I often wonder... why the Earth is round. Haha! I have nothing I should be wondering about.