Friday, August 21, 2009

How it feels to be evaluated

It feels quite weird after 8 years of not going for music exams or anything of that sort.

Yes, it was my audition that gave me that same ol' feeling again. I remember sitting outside in a waiting room (or rather, a corridor with seats lined on the wall), holding my breath for that moment, the moment of truth, being evaluated of what you've learnt throughout the whole year of preparations. Then, you get into that thick and hard wooden door, and the first thing you see is either a stern-looking examiner with grey or white hair, or a young one who looks really friendly (but looks can be deceiving). After a few more steps forward, after you have greeted the examiner a good morning (or afternoon, for that matter), there, erected stiffly right in front of the examiner's desk: a black piano which decides your very fate of the day, whether good or bad.

Not to forget the bloody coldness of that examination venue that creates an unwanted atmosphere to add on to your long list of what-if's and why-not's. Especially if your hands are affected by the cold, your warmth suddenly freezes over hell, and your hands stop working like normal movable parts; that should be enough to knock you off your seat and bump your head on the floor, enough to bring you into a coma.

Seriously, I really can't see myself in this scenario ever again, especially when I've made it really clear that I didn't believe in anymore music exams... I'm certainly wrong this time. =.="

Anyway, it's been fun. Hope to entertain a small percentage of you's with my horrible short-story writing (if there even exists at least one faithful reader).

PS: It's been a while since I've been so descriptive. Apologies for any wrongly-used euphamism (if there exists ANY) and weird-sounding adjectives. =P

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