Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Queer coincidence

I've been on a drama series frenzy recently, considering I've got a load of work on my desk waiting for me to be done. Don't worry (as if anyone is). I've wasted my weekend reading, and watching my friends leave the house to have fun (on both days!) while I locked myself up in my room.

You'd so freak out when I tell you what I've been watching; and believe me, it isn't anything you'd been expecting. Well, maybe it's not that surprising, since I've been watching Desperate Housewives. Funny. Go figure (Hint: has to do with the title).

It's been a wake-up call. Think about how Malaysia has been (and will always be) so conservative. Everybody should have their rights in believing who they are, and respecting each other for that. For a fact, I shouldn't only just reflect that on Malaysia, but to other countries. Even though there are people who are 'different', they are still human. They have the six senses like we do, a pair of arms, legs, and a body. We use our hands to do many things imaginable (go figure), and a pair of feet to walk and run. I, for one, have been very open with a lot of things around me. You can possibly call me an amoeba, for all I care. I admit it.

I'm not saying this because I'm one myself, but after watching the drama, and understanding how people think, it's hard not to notice. Well, after much verbal "abuse" I've got in high school (fellow high school friends, I'm sure you still remember), I made myself aware, and brave: Brave to voice out my opinions and suggestions.

Enough of that. Today, I've been to an interview with the Malaysian Soc president (such irony, though forgiven and forgotten), for a post as a Marketing Director for their famous Malaysian Night. Big crap for saying being brave for voicing my opinions. I still trembled during interviews, and as a (learning) professional performer, this is STILL a problem for me. Gosh. When will I ever learn?

Speaking of which, I always have to write blogs when I'm half dead. I apologise for making this so brief (if you think it isn't, think again, you have NO idea how much I wanna write). More importantly, I've been bleeding my nose, so I think I've gotta rest SOONER or LATER. Oh well, see you again soon, if ever you see me breathing in the daylights of Man. *smiles*



  1. Eeeyerr what did u watch lah..say lah.. i also want to watch lah... heeheehee....

  2. you know why this happened or not?! It's because we are human, they are bird! LOL... Human have got brain but too bad bird dont have! LOL... guess u got what i mean. kekeke... xD Just like the one litre of tears' song "only human" by K... LOL.. siao.. sorry although not related but i still wanna write.. cuz it flashed out from my mind all of a sudden! =P

  3. Alex, a good one (you know what I mean)!

    I(we) support you!
