Friday, May 04, 2007


Once, when I was walking down a path with one of my best pals, she told me:

"Maybe you're the versatile type. You're good at so many things."

She was referring to the things that I like to do. It's the pre-registration season now, and we're all supposed to be registering for the modules that we want to do in our final year. I was thinking of doing some of the business subjects (Intro to Biz really fuelled me up). My friends, on the other hand, were reluctant to do any essay writing: they rather stick to numbers (Yueks!).

Come to think of it (after a few days of giving it some thought), I am versatile.

Maybe this is possible...

Since high school, I've been able to take subjects such as Commerce and Economics, mostly essay writing. I was praised on my compositions for English class (I used to suck at it, mainly due to my horrible English) for being really creative in my plot. I started to increasingly get used to the science behind everything, especially Mathematics, which I mastered only in my final few years of school. Not to forget my incredible ability (cheh...) in piano playing, and my ability to express myself through music.

I'm quite happy I'm blessed with this kind of talent that I now realise and possess. Took quite a long time huh?

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