Friday, November 16, 2007


It occurred to me while I was in the gym.

Knowing that our gym in the university is so small to accommodate a portion of the few hundred thousand students, it's just amazing how they manage to do that. I was there on my first day of the year, and assuming that it would be less crowded at 6.30pm (dinner time and it was a half day), it was 90% filled with people. [If you happen to open the link, then you would be able to see the gym. That's basically it for the gym...]

That wasn't my problem (although it is partly... have to wait for facilities to be free!). While doing my runs at the treadmill, I started to pant really badly (also due to not exercising for a long time).

Then I realised something. I really wonder why it was so hard to breath then (again, cuz I hadn't been exercising).

Have you ever thought: If ever, one day, the world's greens, all vanquished off the face of the earth, would there be any oxygen for us to breathe? Well, it must be impossible for us NOT to breathe in oxygen, since no matter what, there still is soil, water and sunlight. Sooner or later the plants would grow.

Air is made out of mainly nitrogen (78.09%) and oxygen (20.95%). But oxygen is still too little, compared to nitrogen. Why do WE need nitrogen for anyway? If we hadn't have soil, water or sunlight, why can't we live off nitrogen? See my point?

Well anyway, was it because the gym lacked greeneries, and if there were, the room would be fresher? Then I suppose this could be the reason why I was panting...


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