Monday, January 31, 2011

The Year of the Wabbit

Chinese New Year, again.

Cool angle. Don't play play. =P
That will only mean one thing. I'm growing older. Another year older. (Of course I already know this when the new year came, but you know how things go with the Chinese birth calculations. *rolls eyes*)

I was just reading my friend's blog, and it reminded me of how much I dread this time of year. The 2 hour (or so) ride to my mother's hometown, practically no access to technology called "Internet" and its counterparts, increased heatwave during the time of the year... What else have I not mentioned?

But thinking back of the times when I wasn't around with them, this is merely nothing. It's really the time for the family to reunite. The warmth of familiar smiling faces, the pure joys of hearing their laughter, the delights of spending time together at the round table - were the things that I never had for three years.

I should leave aside the fact that there will be no internet for 2 days. I shall put away my fear of the heat. I will endure the long journey back to decivilization.

[It's just 2 days. It has been raining like mad these past few days. Obviously I can't change the time it takes to travel. What else is there to be worried about?]

PS: Wow.. It was just 3 posts ago that I wrote about the Tiger Year? You've gotta be kidding me...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Happy (not really) 2011!

It really has been a while, right?

Yes, I know... I've been pestered to write SOMETHING, even though I've got nothing to write about, let alone not even have the time to write. But conscience tells me I shouldn't leave my blog untouched. It just so happens that I suddenly have the urge to write.

I know I make it a point not to purge my feelings and not to pour my heart out here. So I'll do it my way, like I've always been doing.

[Note: It's getting irritating to type here. So long of not writing any posts, so much has changed in Blogger. This stupid window doesn't allow me to press Enter to get to the next line. Instead, I just experimented, the arrow keys bring me to the next line. Nonsensical.]

You know, the Earth has changed in so many ways. Just the other day, knowing me, the one who doesn't listen to news and read the papers, my friends informed me that the overall temperature will rise by 4 degrees Celsius. Imagine how hot it'll get. And, I heard on the radio that they even found a new horoscope, Ophiuchus, the serpent holder.


[Note: Ooohh... I finally can type using the Enter button. Yay!]
As I was saying, the Earth is changing in unthinkable ways. And so is my life. And I blame it on the new Zodiac.

Watch out, Ophiucians (however you spell that). I'm blaming you. You ruined my life. In. So. Many. Ways.