My eyes are at the brink of closing. At this point, I would've looked like an insult to the Chinese race.
I'm starting to adapt to a habit of sleeping during the wee hours of the night, and waking up normally in the morning. By the sound of that, you should've guessed how many hours I've slept for the past few days. Personally, I have no idea why this is happening, nor can I help to abolish this peculiar habit. It all started when I made a fantastic idea: to watch a few more episodes of Desperate Housewives (by now, you should've guessed how weird I am) till I'm sleepy enough to doze off in a jiffy. Then, the day came when I returned from a birthday party at 3 in the morning, a friend in Malaysia on MSN decided to obstruct my sleep by sending me a song by S.H.E., and my sister spotted me and allowed my mother to converse with me. I could only sleep (in peace) at 4 then.
Today, having only 7 hours of sleep (which, clearly, isn't enough at this point in time), I woke up with an appointment in thought (to-go,-or-not-to-go situation), and awakened by a phone call as a reminder at 10. The half-asleep me then inclined myself on bed, started on my every-morning routine. Next thing I know, I spilled water all over my K750i (Boo hoo). It is an early 'blessing' for me to have such a fate on such a day like this. Instead of 'being able' to go for my appointment, I decided to stay in my room and make calls for my god-forsaken phone, which by now, has already reached Heaven, for that matter. So, I have to resort to old-fashioned communication methods now, excluding my "thank-god-it-hadn't-broken-down" advanced technology: the computer and the internet.
My dear friend has passed the baton to me, and I have no reason to catch it, but I have no intention to break the race either:
My earliest memory...
is when I woke up to a "Forever Love" ringtone in my already-dead K750i.
At school I...
wished my life would've been so much 'luckier'.
My first relationship...
was with my K750i.
I wish I had never worn...
my clothes before that incident happened.
My mother and father always tell me...
to be more careful with my belongings.
I wish I had...
placed my phone somewhere further from my cup and my thermos.
I wish I hadn't...
drank water in the morning in the first place.
At home I cook...
to forget about the losses I've incurred.
When I was a child, I wanted to...
change my life completely as I wasn't responsible enough.
The book that changed my life is...
"K750i Instructions guide and Manual"
If only I would...
turn back time to save my K750i.
Friends say that I am...
selfish to not go for the booked football court at 10am on 31st March, Friday.
What I don't find amusing is...
I lost my priced belonging. (At least not my other (even more) priced ones)
I often wonder...
why I'm writing this crap in the first place.
I'm passing the baton to...
oh, what the heck, whoever who wanna fully utilise your time with useless questionairre. Be my guest! (Just copy the questions onto your post, and crap on!)
PS: I was on hold while wanting to enquire on the phone, resulting in a problem left hanging. Thus the sarcasm. =)
aww... i m so sorry to hear what had happened to ur phone... hope u can get a new phone that u desire and the latest one too... hahaha...